An Amateur Photo Blog, Featuring Various Pictures Of The Best Dog Ever, Plus Other Stuff.
Friday, October 22, 2004
Let there be light!
More sunlight!
Aiiieee! The world, it tilts!
"MUST we discuss Aristotle? I wanna go inside and get a treat!" Don't you wish you could read your dog's expressions so well?
Same view as above, but zoomed out 7x. Too bad the trees only get really colorful about the time it gets grey and rainy in Cincinnati.
It's definitely fall here, and what better instrument to capture the images than an 8MP camera with the color in "Vivid"?
I took this one today. There were no tree rats in the back yard for my little black dog to chase, so she spent some time trotting around pretending to hunt.
The beginnings of a learning experience. Hint: If you want good beef stew, DO NOT grill the meat before stewing. It's disgusting. I got all the other elements down right, the texture was amazing, for instance. But the taste left much to be desired.
It was a short flight, as you can see.
Mockingbird in flight. I took this with my wife's Konica Minolta Z2, a trim little ultrazoom camera if there ever was one.
Aiiieee, the flash!
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Photography, as an Art, is the study of Light on Form. Or, if one wishes not to be a pretentious twit, it's the process of making a pretty picture.
Tree Rat, Gathering Energy For The Great Escape.
A picture of unbearable cuteness, courtesy of the wife's camera.
Here's another one my wife took. Three little black dogs, plus some assorted riff raff.
Here's a picture of a little black dog that my wife took. It's not our little black dog, but the breed similarity is definite.
This church fascinates me. I have no idea why.
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Tree Rat, Intrigued By Camera Flash. If I pretend hard enough and think up a a pretentious enough title, can I call this Art? No? I have to work in an uninformed political viewpoint to send a message? Well then, forget it.
Here's the usual suspects, posing to fill your craving for cuteness.
This ones even worse. See all that noise? That's the learning curve in action, it is. But that's one fine looking Bassett Hound.
High shutter speed plus wide open aperture equals SHARP picture. I think this one was about 1/2,000 shutter with f2.8. A bit dark, I later turned it down to 1/400 shutter f2.8.
I think every dog owner can relate. Here's one eager little black dog, straining at the leash, trying to get into the dog park a little sooner.
Saturday, October 09, 2004
And finally, the star of the show, investigating a tree because the Scotty is doing so. Even little black dogs are vulnerable to peer pressure.