An Amateur Photo Blog, Featuring Various Pictures Of The Best Dog Ever, Plus Other Stuff.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Here's a picture from my new camera, a Fuji F10. It's the first pocket digital released with ISO settings from 80 to 1600 (that I know of, and yes, I'm aware Ricoh, Casio, and Olympus released their own takes on that feature, but I'm pretty sure they came afterwards) at full resolution. Barrel distortion is almost non-existent with this new lens (.6 at full wide angle, compared to 1.2 for most pocket point and shooters) and I've been very pleased with the results in 3:2 aspect ratio mode so far. This picture was taken at ISO 80, 1/240s, f/5.0, fully zoomed at 113mm equiv. The only post production editing is some sharpening in Picasa2. Posted by Hello

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